Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Bella is doing competitive Cheerleading now. No matter how hard her daddy tried he couldn't talk her out of it. He asked if she wanted to play softball or soccer. To which she replied "No, I want to be a Cheerleader." He even tried to get her to play T-ball with Pate when they practice. She told him "That's okay dad, I will just cheer for Pate when he hits the ball." So this Our Little Cheerleader doing what she loves.

It makes her momma a nervous wreck because she is the smallest and she is the smallest so she is always on top. So now our weekends consist of Cheer Competitions.

I know she hasn't convinced her daddy to love Cheerleading yet. But he loves his baby girl so he goes to show his support.

Pate on the other hand thinks the best part of Cheer Competitions is the Concessions stand. He loves being able to get popcorn and icies.

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